Facts & Figures

GO!’s Express & Logistics is an entirely extra_ordinary transport and logistics company. As a medium-sized company ourselves, we approach every aspect of express parcel shipping with a great deal of understanding. This is how our network has developed into the largest independent express and courier service provider in Europe.  

Facts & Figures about GO!

Registered office/address details:

GO! Express & Logistics (Schweiz) AG.
In der Euelwies 22
CH-8408 Winterthur

Tel.: +41 52 268 08 80
Fax: +41 52 268 08 70

Free service number (in Switzerland only): 0800 85 99 99

Website: www.general-overnight.ch
Email:  info@general-overnight.ch

Company foundation:

2006 as GO! General-Overnight AG
2007 Name change to reflect expanded product range

Company number in the Commercial Register:



ISO 9001:2015, Certificate No. 161079-2014-AQ-GER-DAkkS

Approved consignee and approved consignor nos.:

ZE I/366 (approved consignee), ZV I/366 (approved consignor)

Service profile:

Secure express shipping of time-sensitive goods and documents regionally, nationally and internationally. Courier transports regionally, nationally and internationally. Various additional and special services including valuables, cash-in-transit and customs clearance services. GO! is an approved consignee and approved consignor.
First nationwide sameday transport network with nationwide delivery and collection infrastructure. Economic centres are served up to 3 times on the same day, surrounding areas and mountainous areas 1 to 2 times per day.

Managing Directors

Giovanni Iorio-Esposito, Marcel Tüscher, Beat Dahinden

> 9.2 million parcels in 2021

> 600 customers

> 40 employees

> 200 drivers

Working for you day and night

> 9.2 million parcels in 2021

Rooted in the region and with 200 drivers ready at all times.

300 nationwide tours

Same-day network with multiple deliveries and pick-ups per day throughout Switzerland

120 routes nationwide

Plus daily direct shipping routes from GB, DE, Benelux, FR, AU

Connection to the EU network

We can reach the whole of Europe in the shortest possible time thanks to our connection with Germany

3 regional hubs

West Region Renens

Central Region Wolfwil

East Region Winterthur

Approximately 7000 m2 of floor space, AEO certified, customs zone

Nationwide depots

Crissier, Genf, Charrat, Aigle, Wolfwil, Basel, Bern, Härkingen, Safenwil, Alpnach, Lugano, Winterthur, Birmensdorf, Diepoldsau, Untervaz, St. Gallen

Same-day network with multiple deliveries and pick-ups per day throughout Switzerland

Our service categories

GO!’s Express

Overnight and worldwide

GO!’s Courier

Flexible direct connections

GO!’s Solutions

Advanced logistics solutions

Value added services

Individual additional services for every product group

Service profile:

Logistics solutions for industry-specific requirements:   

  • Healthcare
  • GO!’s Automotive & Motorcycle
  • GO!’s Agriculture
  • GO!’s Life Science & Medtech
  • GO!’s Freight Service


Bundesverband Paket und Expresslogistik e. V. (BIEK), Bundesvereinigung Logistk (BVL)
