For us, the extra_ordinary is normal. This even applies to our standard services. Benefit from extremely reliable worldwide express shipping of parcels with just-in-time delivery, nationwide overnight express and many other customised shipping solutions.
Nationwide service to and from Germany at breathtaking speed and with exceptional levels of quality.
With GO! Worldwide, we put the world at your feet. No road is too far for us.
We turn night into day. Delivery to customers during the night until 07:00 in the morning.
Our special product for high-quality service across Europe. Quicker than outsourcing yourself.
Our logistics network never stands still for a second. Express deliveries are our core business. However, we wouldn’t be a premium service provider if we only offered conventional services. We believe that our customers deserve extra_ordinary services. Our standard shipping is therefore not what is generally considered standard.
So when we say express, at GO! we really mean it.
“I love demanding tasks as they are often a very special challenge. The balancing act between delivering express and maintaining the high standard of quality is what particularly spurs me on.”
Danny H., GO! Mainz.
“Punctuality is a necessity and time is an important process factor in every sector and industry. As an Industry 4.0 digital manufacturing partner, we aspire to reliable process safety. That’s why we take responsibility for orders at every stage of our CNC manufacturing process and associated logistics.”
Willi Ruopp, Co-Founder & CEO CNCTeile24
GO! offers highly reliable express shipping with just-in-time delivery, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Overnight express, courier and direct deliveries in your region, express shipping worldwide, plus a variety of customized solutions for your shipping, e.g. in the areas of warehousing, high-availability logistics, roll-out / roll-back, hazardous goods transports, etc.
GO! – that also means unerring commitment. For our customers and our company.
We want to offer 100% service. The contents of our website, which are intended solely for your information, have therefore been prepared with the greatest care. Bitte haben Sie jedoch Verständnis dafür, dass dieser Service nur gehalten werden kann, wenn die zugrunde gelegten Rahmenbedingungen, auf die wir nur bedingt Einfluss haben, dies zulassen. Wir müssen daher die gemachten Angaben unter Vorbehalt stellen, sodass wir für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit, ableitbare Zusicherungen und Aktualität der Inhalte keine Gewähr übernehmen können.